Friday, November 29, 2013

After treatment for mesothelioma – follow-up

Following treatment, your hospital doctor, GP or nurse specialist will organise for you to have regular check-ups. They will continue to monitor your symptoms and will aim to give you further treatments, if these are needed to control your symptoms. If you have any concerns or symptoms that you’re worried about, let your doctor or specialist nurse know as soon as possible. You don’t have to wait until your next appointment (if you have one booked). Many people find they get very anxious for a while before appointments. This is natural and it may help to get support from family and friends. You can also find details of useful organisations in our resources and organisations section. Rehabilitation and recovery Mesothelioma affects people in different ways. Some people find that they need to take things more slowly for a while after treatment, especially if they’ve been in hospital or have had to rest at home for long periods. Others find that it doesn’t take them long to get back to their normal routine. If you think you need extra help at home, let the doctors or nurses who are looking after you know. They can assess your needs and organise extra support. They can also arrange for you to see a physiotherapist if you need help with your mobility or advice on breathing exercises. Share your experience When treatment finishes, many people find it helps to talk about it and share their thoughts, feelings and advice with other people. This can be especially helpful for other people with mesothelioma who are perhaps about to start their treatment. Just hearing about how you’ve coped, what side effects you had and how you managed them is very helpful to someone in a similar situation. We can help you share your story. Call us or read our information about becoming a Cancer Voice. You might also want to join our Online Community to chat to other people who might be feeling the same as you.

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